object UpgradeDlg: TUpgradeDlg Left = 191 Top = 5 Width = 587 Height = 381 BorderIcons = [biMinimize, biMaximize] Caption = 'You have upgraded ELF x WINSOCK' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] WindowState = wsMaximized OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 317 Width = 579 Height = 37 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 0 object please: TMyLabelRotate Left = 112 Top = 6 Width = 309 Height = 25 LabelStyle.AShadeLTSet = False Caption = 'Please, read what'#39's new :-)' Font.Color = clLime Font.Height = -19 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] ParentFont = False end object BitBtn1: TBitBtn Left = 8 Top = 4 Width = 89 Height = 29 Caption = '&OK' Enabled = False TabOrder = 0 Kind = bkOK Style = bsNew end end object Outline1: TOutline Left = 0 Top = 149 Width = 579 Height = 168 Lines.Nodes = ( '4.02' #9'- NOW ELF CAN BE REGISTERED USING CREDIT CARDS AND OTHER SERVIC' + 'ES' #9'- CHECK HTTP://ASCU.UNIAN.IT/~MILANI' #9'- ADDED A (BETA-VERSION) AUTO-MAPPER. TEST IT AND LET ME KNOW' #9'- the alias ONCONNECT is called when connection is established' #9'- the alias ONDISCONNECT is called when connection is lost' #9'- now ELF correctly closes sockets after disconnections' #9'- added function @LASTMUD that returns a string containing the ' + 'name of the last established connection' #9'- added meta-command @CONNECT to connect to (as i' + 't appears in the connection dialog)' #9'- added meta-command @DISCONNECT to disconnect the active conne' + 'ction' #9'- removed a BUG that caused ELF to hang on exit if using extend' + 'ed alias recognition' #9'- added features to default ENGLISH configuration (like PERSONA' + 'L CHAT WINDOWS with right mouse button handling)' #9'- added a ROLLER to user windows. Use with care, especially whe' + 'n using several user windows' #9'- the buttons to (dis)connect have collapsed into the same butt' + 'on' #9'- LOG files are now correctly parsed (RAW,COMPRESSED,STRIPPED)' '4.01' #9'- revised the appearance of some dialogs (especially the CONFIG' + ' dialog)' #9'- added meta-command @QUEUE ,' '4.00' #9'- FROM NOW ON, ONLY WINDOWS 95 VERSION WILL BE ENHANCED' #9'- PLEASE, POST ME ANY ERROR OR STRANGE BEHAVIOUR YOU MAY ENCOUN' + 'TER' #9'- almost every limit in string length (chars received from the ' + 'mud, command length, ...) has been removed' #9'- the DELAY meta-command has been reenabled and works fine' '3.02' #9'- it is possibile to disable the login wizard' #9'- you can choose how to be informed when the maximum value for ' + 'a stat is detected (with a message, with an alias call (OnMaxMAN' + 'A, OnMaxMOV, OnMaxHP), with nothing)' '3.01' #9'- all the list boxes in the configuration dialog now use a prop' + 'ortional default font' #9'- now it is possible to disable the login wizard for a particul' + 'ar configuration' #9'- colors definitions (@FGxxx and @BGxxx) are now recognised in ' + 'a more extended way' '3.00' #9'- the dialogs used to modify triggers, aliases, macros and butt' + 'ons have been fully rewritten with a common resizable interface' #9'- added a COMMAND WIZARD to interactively insert meta-commands' #9'- the command interpreter now uses TOKENS to lower memory requi' + 'rements (you'#39'll be able to write longer sequences of commands) a' + 'nd to speed up things' #9'- added functions for much much easyer and faster color setting' + ' in command sequences' #9'- added function @PUSHCOLORS and @POPCOLORS for temporary color' + ' overridding in complex output text' #9'- added a FUNCTION WIZARD to interactively insert functions' #9'- added function @NORMALCOLORS that reset colors to default val' + 'ues inside an output text' #9'- added function @PARMS that returns the value of a parameter (' + 'much like '#39'%'#39') as a string. @ParmS(2=a) equals to '#39'%2=a'#39' but is ' + 'faster and completely avoids maximum string length overflow (255' + ' chars)' #9'- added function @PARMN that returns the value of a parameter (' + 'much like '#39'%'#39') as a number. @ParmS(1=t) equals to '#39'%1=t'#39' but is ' + 'faster and completely avoids maximum string length overflow (255' + ' chars)' #9'- several windows remember their size' #9'- in the MAIN WINDOW APPEARANCE dialog the selection of the fon' + 't for the WATCHES PANEL now works fine again' #9'- added explicit HELP buttons in the various CONFIGuration page' + 's' #9'- the PARAMETER WIZARD (used by the TRIGGER WIZARD) lets you fu' + 'lly configure parameter extraction' #9'- the TRIGGER WIZARD uses the new common dialog to define the c' + 'ommands to be executed' #9'- added function @HICOLORS to set high intensity ANSI colors' #9'- the ANSI WIZARD works with the new color functions too' #9'- added function @POPUPS("option-1",..,"option-n") that display' + 's a popup menu and returns the name of the selected item' #9'- added function @POPUPN("option-1",..,"option-n") that display' + 's a popup menu and returns the index (starting from 1) of the se' + 'lected item' #9'- added meta-command @ASSIGN , that ' + 'assigns the value resulting from to the specified v' + 'ariable' #9'- Windows 95 version has SYNTAX HIGHLIGHT (can be disabled) whe' + 'n editing command sequences' #9'- added meta-command @REM to insert a comment in a se' + 'quence of commands' #9'- added in the APPEARANCE configuration page the controls to cr' + 'eate custom syntax highlight' #9'- fully restructured (de)crypting routines to avoid overflow pr' + 'oblems in 16 bit version' #9'- the variable parts in the trigger wizard are now shown in BOL' + 'D' #9'- fixed a '#39'feature'#39' that caused single '#39'#'#39' in output text to be' + ' converted to a NULL character and speeded up '#39'#'#39' parsing' #9'- drag&drop now can'#39't be activated for horizontal and vertical ' + 'toolbars by simply passing over the buttons with the left ouse b' + 'utton pressed' #9'- added a LOGIN WIZARD that creates the proper triggers for aut' + 'omatically login you character in the MUD' #9'- FULLY RESTRUCTURED THE TRIGGER WIZARD to improve friendlyness' #9'- added function @POS(,,) th' + 'at finds a substring in a string starting from a specified posit' + 'ion' #9'- increased ELF'#39's tolerance in recognising multiple ticks' #9'- @POPUPN and @POPUPS activate a special mode very similar to F' + 'REEZE to avoid problems' #9'- added meta-command @TICKNOW that forces tick recognition' #9'- FULLY RESTRUCTURED THE PROMPT WIZARD to improve friendlyness' #9'- added several new features to automatic TICK recognition to i' + 'mprove precision' #9'- when the right mouse button is pressed over an existing line ' + 'of a user window the alias ONWINRCLICK is called with the follow' + 'ing parameters: ONWINRCLICK id,x,y where X and Y are 0 based' #9'- added META-COMMAND @WINSERT ,, that inserts <' + 'text> at in user window ' #9'- now it is possible to @WCLOSE a user window while handling it' + 's ONWINCLICK (and ONWINRCLICK)' #9'- ONWINCLICK and ONWINRCLICK now set the y value accordigly wit' + 'h the scroller' #9'- @PARMS and @PARMN are now expanded even when there is not an ' + 'expression (much like variables). Now you can FULLY AVOID using ' + #39'%'#39' parameter expansion, thus increasing speed!' '2.16' #9'- speeded up decryption' #9'- REMOVED A BUG THAT SELDOM CAUSED AN ERROR WRITING VARS.xxx' #9'- using find to find a non-existing string in a full scroll-buf' + 'fer no longer causes a RANGE CHECK ERROR (that, anyhow, caused n' + 'o harm at all)' #9'- in the CONFIGURATION-ALIAS page now you can view either alias' + ' names or alias patterns' '2.15' #9'- registered users can hide the panel containing the running lo' + 'go' #9'- FUNCTION @CRY("text","key"). Returns text encrypted using the' + ' specified key' #9'- FUNCTION @DCRY("text","key"). Returns decrypted text using th' + 'e specified key' #9'- added 10 more buttons to the horizontal toolbar' #9'- added demo triggers and aliases to demonstrate how to use ENC' + 'RYPTED messaging' #9#9'- in VARS.ITA:' #9#9'- trigger DECODIFICA: automatically decodes the text between '#39 + '.,'#39' and '#39'.,'#39 #9#9'- aliases TELL codificato, SEND codificato... : execute TELL, ' + 'SEND, MESS, TELE and GT coding the message' #9#9'- in VARS.ENG:' #9#9'- trigger DECRYPT: automatically decodes the text between '#39'.,'#39 + ' and '#39'.,'#39 #9#9'- aliase CRYPT TELL: executes TELL coding the message' #9#9'- all the routines use the variable @CRYPWD to contain the pas' + 'sword: both the sender and the receiver of the message must have' + ' the same password in @CRYPWD' '2.14' #9'- added a new menu FLAGS that lets you modify FREEZE, BUFFERED,' + ' SELECT and TRIGGERS ON' #9'- the timer that show when the TICK will happen is now dinamica' + 'lly showed on one the following panels (the first one that is vi' + 'sible): TIME panel, EXITS panel, HORIZONTAL TOOLBAR' #9'- fixed a bug that caused the definitions of the mouse over the' + ' scroll buffer to be lost when modifying the configuration witho' + 'ut accessing the mouse page' #9'- added a hint window' #9'- the configuration files are now always read from program'#39's di' + 'rectory' #9'- CTRL-PAGE-UP, CTRL-PAGE-DOWN, CTRL-UP and CTRL-DOWN let you n' + 'avigate in the scroll buffer' #9'- completely rewritten the PROMPT WIZARD!!! Take a look at it i' + 'n the GENERAL-CONFIGURATION page' #9'- added a new option in the GENERAL CONFIG page: NOSOUND, to di' + 'sable all sounds: useful if you have problems with sounds on a c' + 'omputer with no sound card' '2.13' #9'- added a vertical scroll-bar when editing commands' #9'- added a few messages in the trigger wizard' #9'- added file-handling META-COMMANDS and FUNCTIONS' #9#9'- @FWR id,string (write a line of text to a file)' #9#9'- @FCL id (closes an open file)' #9#9'- @FOPW(file-name):number (opens a file for writing)' #9#9'- @FOPA(file-name):number (opens a file for appending)' #9#9'- @FOPR(file-name):number (opens a file for reading)' #9#9'- @FNRD(id):number (reads a number from a file)' #9#9'- @FSRD(id):string (reads a string from a file)' #9#9'- @FEOF(id):number (test EOF condition for a file)' '2.12' #9'- Windows 95 version correctly handles multiple instances' #9'- speeded up interprocess communication for handling multiple i' + 'nstances opened at once' #9'- improved speed especially when receiving chars from the MUD' #9'- now ELF politely signals to TELNET servers the options it doe' + 'sn'#39't recognise (so you can connect even via normal TELNET)' #9'- added all missing short-cuts in the dialogs' #9'- added in the dialogs several references to on-line help' #9'- with CTRL-D you can clear the history buffer (to definitely h' + 'ide your password :-))' '2.11' #9'- the extraction of variable parts ('#39'*'#39' processing in triggers,' + ' aliases, etc...) has been buffered to increase processing speed' #9'- converted DOCumentation to HLPmentation :-)))' #9'- HOME and END now correctly go before the first and beyond the' + ' last character in the editing field' #9'- the system menu in user windows has been re-enabled, but CLOS' + 'E is still disabled (for programming purposes)' #9'- various changes to fonts, appearance, styles and so on' #9'- added a toolbar to control multiple instances' #9'- added an option to aliases that forces the variables to be ex' + 'panded in the pattern before checking it (see help for more info' + 's)' #9'- the list-boxes in the CONFIG dialog are created on the fly to' + ' speed up operations' #9'- the translation of a long name into a short name can be selec' + 'ted by double-clicking on a word of the long name' '2.10' #9'- restructured some important routines' #9'- greatly reduced problems when scrolling the scroll-buffer (pr' + 'oblems with the mouse capture)' #9'- created a 32 bit version for Windows 95 (currently under adva' + 'nced beta-testing :-)) (this WON'#39'T BE considered a MAJOR UPGRAD' + 'E :-))' #9'- added short-cuts and sorted controls'#39' tab order in new window' + 's' #9'- panel visibility is now stored in local PC'#39's configuration TO' + 'O' #9'- it is possible to set a delay to auto-save the log file' #9'- for every MUD you can define different end of line sequences ' + '(CR, LF, CR+LF, LF+CR). Nice for MUSH players (I think :-))' #9'- changed ELF'#39's icon' #9'- restructured the GENERAL configuration page' #9'- added infos on configuration in ELF'#39's documentation' #9'- META-COMMAND @WADD(id,text) to add a line of text at the end ' + 'of a user window' #9'- FUNCTION @WOPEQ(title). Returns the ID of the user window wit' + 'h the same TITLE or the ID of a new one if it doesn'#39't exist' #9'- FUNCTION @WNUM(title). Returns the ID of the window with the ' + 'specified TITLE (-1 if not found)' #9'- FUNCTION @WSTAT(id). Returns a value depending on the visual ' + 'status of the user window' #9'- FUNCTION @WMAXID. Returns the highest ID allocated for user w' + 'indows' #9'- FUNCTION @WTITLE(id). Returns the title of the user window ('#39 + #39' if it doesn'#39't exist)' #9'- extended (ELF) ANSI background color codes now work correctly' #9'- @WADD brings to view the last added line (only if previously ' + 'the last line was shown too)' #9'- now @CALL @ONQUIT is executed even when exit confirmation is ' + 'disabled' '2.09' #9'- speeded up the presentation of the very first page of text' #9'- fixed up a problem when removing with ENTER the error message' + 's issued by user windows' #9'- a list box in the main window lets you reopen hidden user win' + 'dows' #9'- before loading a new PC'#39's configuration, ELF issues @CALL @QU' + 'ITPC (if @QuitPC exists)' #9'- heavily restructured the routines for showing incoming data (' + 'I think (hope) that all those strange problems are fixed :-))' #9'- the GENERAL CONFIG page lets you specify MOVEMENT'#39's position ' + 'in the prompt test string' #9'- added functions MYHP, MYMANA and MYMOV' #9'- the internal word-processor auto-selects its text' #9'- the fixed size font used is now FIXEDSYS and no longer TERMIN' + 'AL (this font (VGAFIX.FON) is now included in the distribution p' + 'ackage)' '2.08' #9'- added a TRIGGER WIZARD' #9'- added an ANSI COLOR WIZARD' #9'- fixed a possible problem in recursive processing of messages ' + 'with some system configurations' #9'- FOR REGISTERED USERS:' #9#9'- the TRIGGER WIZARD actually creates the newly created trigge' + 'r (UNREGISTERED users will have to copy it by hand :-))' #9#9'- the ANSI COLOR WIZARD automatically inserts the generated co' + 'de in the commands' '2.07' #9'- some panels in the main window have been repositioned' #9'- META-COMMAND @TOCLIP "text" to put TEXT in the clipboard' #9'- now the font of the INPUT BOX is selectable' #9'- the font and the visibility of the MESSAGE LINE (the bottom o' + 'ne) are now user-definable' #9'- added checking for corrupted LOGOs' #9'- external BMP files are now included in ELF.EXE as resources' #9'- double-clicking on a file name in the OPEN LOG dialog will op' + 'en the LOG' #9'- TELNET ECHO ON correctly sets visible input (before, it could' + ' cause an invisible input after some triggers)' #9'- added a panel to show the number of characters in the input l' + 'ine' #9'- when SELECT is turned ON, automatically FREEZE is turned ON t' + 'oo' #9'- when SELECT is ON, a popup menu can be activated with the rig' + 'ht mouse button over the scroll-buffer' #9'- FOR REGISTERED USERS:' #9#9'- the COMPASS panel has 3 user definable buttons' #9#9'- the running LOGO can be stopped by setting its speed to 0' #9#9'- only registered users can run multiple instances of ELF x WI' + 'NSOCK' #9#9'- SELECT'#39's popup menu lets you save selected text to the clipb' + 'oard' '2.06' #9'- if the main window is restored in maximized state then the no' + 'rmal state is derived so that it is easy to resize' #9'- when FREEZE is ON, triggers are no longer verified on incompl' + 'ete lines and @IDLEPROC is no longer @CALLed' #9'- fixed a problem when using the default PROMPT and PROMPTTEST ' + 'and the movement was used to recognise the tick' #9'- the expression parser now correctly handles the UNARY MINUS (' + '@num=-12 now works fine)' #9'- fixed a problem with the multimedia player' #9'- added a panel to send dir commands with the mouse (COMPASS PA' + 'NEL)' #9'- the COMPASS panel may be hidden using the APPEARANCE dialog' #9'- now it is easier to define new Playing Characters and related' + ' files (can be derived from the active PC)' #9'- the string found in the SCROLL-BACK is highlighted in inverse' + ' video' #9'- added an EXPLAIN button in the HOW TO dialog that illustrates' + ' the BONUSES that a REGISTERED user will get' #9'- horizontal and vertical toolbar correctly handle fonts change' + 's' #9'- log and connect are now handled in a better way' #9'- FOR REGISTERED USERS:' #9#9'- the number of lines in the SCROLL-BACK may be changed in the' + ' GENERAL config page (you are no longer limited to 1.000 lines)' #9#9'- added FIND FIRST e FIND NEXT in the SCROLL-BACK (enabled onl' + 'y when SELECTED in ON)' '2.05' #9'- BIVBX11.DLL is no longer needed' #9'- the configuration dialog hides when selecting (in)visible pan' + 'els' #9'- added capability to change several fonts in the main window' #9'- the font of the scroll-back can be changed from the APPEARANC' + 'E dialog' #9'- the APPEARANCE dialog uses a popup menu called by the right m' + 'ouse button' #9'- the COLORS config page has been changed to APPEARANCE' #9'- the APPEARANCE dialog now is located in the APPEARANCE config' + ' page' #9'- the font of the scroll-back now must be changed via the APPEA' + 'RANCE dialog in the APPEARANCE config page' #9'- the maximum length of a line in the scroll buffer now must be' + ' changed in the APPEARANCE config page' #9'- LOGO speed now must be changed in the APPEARANCE config page' #9'- now the history buffer works in two different ways (see GENER' + 'AL config page)' #9'- now you can select which questions are to be made on quitting' + ' ELF (see GENERAL config page)' '2.04' #9'- the multimedia player now plays WAV and MID files' #9'- pressing left mouse button over a user window now calls OnWin' + 'Click with the correct line number (no longer limited by the num' + 'ber of lines currently present in the window)' #9'- added a small button to promote registering :-)' #9'- GENERAL config page now lets you select which panels are visi' + 'ble and which are not in the main window' #9'- WHATSNEW.TXT has been integrated with an on-line auto-showing' + ' info window' '2.03' #9'- configuration lets you choose if @INGROUP uses the extended s' + 'yntax (added for compatibility with old triggers sets)' #9'- GAUGE.VBX is no longer used, to avoid conficts with other sof' + 'tware. An internal DELPHI component is used instead' #9'- BWCC.DLL is no longer needed (so the distribution file is sma' + 'ller :-))' #9'- added documentation in WinWord 2.0 format' '2.02' #9'- added code to help detecting a strange error when FREEZEing a' + 'nd scrolling backwards' '2.01' #9'- enabled short-cuts for almost every field' #9'- configuration correctly handles the number of seconds to anti' + 'cipate tick'#39's arrival' #9'- the running logo now runs smoother, is faster and uses less s' + 'ystem resources' #9'- now ELF handles exceptions when playing ALL WAV files avoidin' + 'g unexpected messages to appear and corrupt program flow' '2.00' #9'- fixed tab order in config'#39's GENERAL page' #9'- correctly got the height of the font loaded ad startup (at le' + 'ast I hope so ;-))' #9'- it is possibile to set REFRESHRATE to force a smoother scroll' + ' when receiving a lot of data' #9'***************************************************************' + '**************' #9'* - UNREGISTERD version is no longer enabled to change PC or to' + ' have more *' #9'* than one mud defined... Sorry, but a marketing expert told ' + 'me I was an *' #9'* idealist not limiting ELF in any way and this seems to be t' + 'he nicest *' #9'* way to limit my idealism :-) ' + ' *' #9'***************************************************************' + '**************' #9'- function @LOGNAME returns '#39#39' if the LOG file is closed and it' + 's file name if is opened' #9'- @LOGCLOSE closes the LOG file (if open)' #9'- the @LOG @META-COMMAND now needs a string expression. Therefo' + 're you have to issue the command '#39'@LOG "PROVA.TXT"'#39' and not '#39'@LO' + 'G PROVA.TXT'#39 #9'- @INGROUP now returns 0 if not a member of your group or the i' + 'ndex inside your group if member (try thinking of this feature u' + 'sing a user window to selected which member to auto-rescue and w' + 'hich not)' #9'- the font dialog now uses the right color' #9'- CTRL-O opens MACROs'#39's config page' #9'- CTRL-V opens VARIABLEs'#39's config page' #9'- CTRL-Y opens ALIASes'#39's config page' #9'- CTRL-R opens TRANSLATIONs'#39's config page' #9'- CTRL-T opens TRIGGERs'#39's config page' #9'- CTRL-J opens MOUSE'#39's config page' #9'- config pages now have keyboard short-cuts for all buttons' #9'- correctly set the fields with initial focus in various dialog' + 's' #9'- extended use of short-cuts in buttons, radiogroups and checkb' + 'oxes' #9'- the dialog for macro'#39's editing now uses a button to activate ' + 'the selection of the key sequence' #9'- added short-cuts to main window' #9'- fixed a problem with variable substitution in lines starting ' + 'with '#39'@'#39 #9'- added function @RND(n) that returns a random number between 0' + ' and n-1 (n must be in the interval 0-->65535)' #9'- when saving text selected from the scroll buffer, ELF was try' + 'ing to remove REAL ANSI sequences and not their ELF internal for' + 'm, corrupting the text. Fixed' #9'- GENERAL config page lets you specify how many seconds before ' + 'tick must be executed @CALL @PRETICK' #9'- in GENERAL config page the selection of main font and beeps n' + 'ow is done by pressing buttons, to speed up keyboard operations' '1.07' #9'- at last, the height of the font of the main window is parsed ' + 'correctly' #9'- added TRANSLATIONS editing in config pages' #9'- on exit ELF asks wether to check untested translations' #9'- translations may be sorted by name or by UNTESTED during conf' + 'ig changes' #9'- translations may be added, deleted and modified' #9'- updated translations are now stored on disk on exit' #9'- restructured the circular buffer used to store scroll-back da' + 'ta' #9'- fixed (at least I hope so :-)) a bug when refreshing multiple' + ' lines together in scroll-buffer to speed up things' '1.06' #9'- faster scrolling' '1.05' #9'- now you can access individual configure pages and pc'#39's select' + 'ion by using the main menu' #9'- last chosen MUD is put on top of MUD'#39's list and auto-selected' + ' to speed up reconnecting' #9'- now it is possible to use the ALT key for MENU selection. Any' + ' already defined macro using the ALT key with or without the SHI' + 'FT key will be activated (see General Config Page)' #9'- THE SOCKET IS NO LONGER AUTOMATICALLY CLOSED (I NEED TESTING.' + '..)' #9'- scroll-buffer'#39's memory is now allocated in larger blocks to s' + 'ave used resources (and to slightly improve startup speed)' '1.04' #9'- multi-selecting triggers, aliases, macros and vars during con' + 'figuration now follows standard windows'#39's behaviours' #9'- now you can close ELF by double-clicking the system-menu' #9'- receiving TELNET ECHO OFF from remote system, now auto-select' + 's hidden input' #9'- the page named INTERNAL in configuration has been renamed GEN' + 'ERAL' #9'- now the socket is closed automatically when the asyncronous m' + 'essage SOCKET CLOSE is received from the remote system' #9'- the size of the main window, as well as its status (normal/ma' + 'ximized), is stored in ELF.INI' #9'- enhanced error checking for user windows' #9'- CTRL-K (Send Raw String) now works fine' #9'- the font used for the scroll-buffer is now stored in ELF-INI' '1.03' #9'- implemented a registration code that survives through downloa' + 'ded versions' '1.02' #9'- when processing data, the logo, the real time watch, the tick' + ' timer and @IdleProc are stopped to speed up operations' #9'- now it is possible to specify the rate for processing windows' + ' messages selecting after how many consecutive lines, received f' + 'rom the MUD, windows messages are to be processed. This enhances' + ' ELF'#39's speed but might arise problems in other mission critical' #9'- the previous changes brought a speed increment of about 25%' #9'- the ANSI code for BOLD is translated to HIGH INTENSITY and co' + 'rrectly used' '1.01' #9'- opening a connection by host name instead of numeric address ' + 'now works fine' #9'- a SEND of 0 bytes to the SOCKET is cancelled to be compatible' + ' with the TRUMPET WINSOCK that considers this an error (Microsof' + 't'#39's TCP/IP doesn'#39't)' #9'- deleting a MACRO now works fine' #9'- enabled the multi-selection of macros for editing and deletin' + 'g' #9'- smoother showing of the first received lines' #9'- the numeric address derived from the opening of a connection ' + 'by host name is now stored in MUD'#39's data' #9'- enhanced the resizing of some configuration pages, correctly ' + 'updating OK buttons and showing SCROLLERs if needed' #9'- SHIFT-TAB toggles invisible editing on/off' #9'- correctly stored and retrieved from ELF.INI the size of the h' + 'eader of the list box in MACRO'#39's configuration' #9'- the maximum number of characters that can be used for a comma' + 'nd are now correctly updated depending on the number of lines us' + 'ed thus letting you use as much characters as possible up to the' + ' maximum internal value of 254' #9'- CTRL-W lets you enter a text to be sent plain or as a sequenc' + 'e of commands to the MUD' '1.00' #9'- Porting from DOS version of commands and expressions parser' #9'- link to WINSOCK DLL' #9'- visual interface' #9'- configuration' #9'- function @WOPEN(title) to open a user window (returns an inte' + 'ger value to be used as ID, -1 if unsuccessful)' #9'- META-COMMAND @WCLOSE id to close a user window' #9'- META-COMMAND @WCLEAR id erase the content of a user window' #9'- function @WLINES(id) to get how many lines are in a user wind' + 'ow' #9'- META-COMMAND @WPUT id,line number,text to write in a user win' + 'dow' #9'- function @WGET(id,line number) to retrieve text from a user w' + 'indow' #9'- user windows accept ANSI coloured text' #9'- when the left mouse button is pressed over an existing line o' + 'f a user window the alias ONWINCLICK is called with the followin' + 'g parameters: ONWINCLICK id,x,y where X and Y are 0 based' #9'- when you quit ELF, then alias ONQUIT (with no parameter) is c' + 'alled' #9'- ELF stores user window'#39's positions by name in ELFWINS.INI whe' + 'n they are closed and recreates them in that position next time' #9'- much much else...' '') OutlineStyle = osPlusMinusText ItemHeight = 14 Align = alClient Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] TabOrder = 1 ItemSeparator = '\' ParentFont = False end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 579 Height = 97 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsItalic] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 2 object Memo1: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 579 Height = 97 Align = alClient Alignment = taCenter Lines.Strings = ( 'ELF x WINSOCK history' '' 'ELF x WINSOCK has been developed by Alfredo Milani-Comparetti in' + ' ' '1995/96.' 'Version 1.00 has been released after having written an italian ' 'version for DOS.' 'The command parser remained the same for compatibility, but ' 'everything else had to be totally rewritten.' 'If you are or like italian and can connect using a serial link t' + 'hen ' 'you migth find nice to take a look at ELF x DOS.' 'You can find it by FTP at FTP.ATS.IT, directory /GAMES/LeU.' '') ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 end end object Panel3: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 97 Width = 579 Height = 52 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 3 object MyLabelRotate1: TMyLabelRotate Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 579 Height = 29 LabelStyle.AShadeLTSet = False Align = alTop Caption = 'What'#39's new in every release?' Font.Color = clRed Font.Height = -19 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] ParentFont = False end object RunLabel1: TRunLabel Left = 0 Top = 29 Width = 579 Height = 20 LabelStyle = rlLowered Steps = 150 Speed = 100 RFont.Color = clBlack RFont.Height = -13 RFont.Name = 'System' RFont.Style = [] Align = alTop RText = 'Double-click on version numbers to view/hide related release inf' + 'os' StepToView = 75 OnEnd = RunLabel1End end end object Timer1: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 10000 OnTimer = Timer1Timer Top = 96 end end